Neptune, a modern ruler of Pisces is the dreamer, the mystic, the psychic. Even the physical appearance of its surface is a creamy, cloudy blue, perfect for a daydream or two. Neptune’s influence is one of metaphysical, elevating possibility. Neptune whispers but our altered perception under its influence is like a chorus hall, surrounding us in sound and transporting us to worlds unknown. In the light this can be an inspiring change of perspective but in shadow, it creates confusion and deepens delusion.


With Neptune on the ascendant, it’s easy to blur the lines between the fantastical and the material, particularly in how you face life. With the ascendant manifesting in our literal physical appearance, Neptune truly puts the “face” in facade. The subjectivity of reality is apparent in these places, lending rose-tinted glasses not only to you but to those you can convince of your chosen persona for the day. These aren’t the places to get to know yourself truly, but they are excellent for determining how far you can push the identity envelope. With a healthy dose of grounding the Neptune ascendant line can lend itself expertly to pursuits in the arts, music, and spiritual realms, but without a tether to the earth one is liable to drift off into the clouds, failing to manifest the gifts delivered in dreams.


On the midheaven line, Neptune is felt in your relationship with society and the public. Whether through the limelight or the medical field, Neptune on the MC line thrives in professions that allow you to give to your most idealistic causes. These places call you to dream of what society could be and how you arrive as its mystical conduit to the heavens but can tempt you to forget what it is. In the public eye, you’re not You, but the manifestation of the public’s dreams or disillusions. You are the messiah or the martyr, never a normal human being. These places are great for careers in the arts or spirituality, where your most esoteric expressions can shock and amaze an audience.


Illusions, delusions, and romanticizations abound when we take on Neptune on the descendant, where its influence is most heavily felt in personal relationships. You’re drawn to people based on your own fantasies of them, then inevitably greeted with the reality that they are not who you invented in your head. Relationships here are not formed to ground or build you but to highlight the parts of you that are missing foundation. These places can present a lot of frustration around connection as you struggle to grasp the solid human behind your cloudy projections. The only way through these areas is a release of codependent habits and stubborn coping strategies. Here you’re pushed to learn how to love without expectation and cut things loose when it’s time.


Neptune on the Imum Coeli line is like Djerba- the island of the lotus eaters from Homer’s Odyssey. Beautiful, delicious, and fundamentally fictitious. The lotus eaters welcome you romantically, of course not revealing that they are stuck on the island because once you eat the lotus you can never leave. In these locales your search for the perfect home will not materialize with solid foundation. This is the place to consider which parts of your story have been mythicized to preserve structures and ultimately egos. The most reliable sense of belonging to find in these places are in the spiritual, where your perception is opened to the dreamy possibilities that lie beyond physical form. Do not rely on material structures but search out those that will endure multiple dimensions.

*These statements are general descriptions that can apply to most people, but not all.  If you’d like to know how your Neptune line affects you personally, book a reading here.