Mars is the warrior of the solar system. When it comes to Martian energy it’s about intensity, conflict, and conviction. These aren’t lines to shy away from but rather to choose for important and decisive personal victories that strengthen character and define the important parts of life.
On the Mars ascendant line, you are prone to be more aggressive (or assertive?), confrontational, and competitive. These places tend to bring out your edges, which are best directed at physical challenges, conquering fears, and mastering skills that usually defy your best attempts. This line comes with a certain capacity for private self-deprecation and public spitefulness but these are only fuel for the engine driving you to push yourself to success. With self-awareness, you can turn the Mars ascendant line into your testing ground for character development, especially as you learn to temper your temper and coexist with people around you despite your resistance.
Vying for your spot at the top on the Mars MC line is usually directly related to feats of physical prowess and strength. Mars in the public eye intends to dazzle with a good old-fashioned war parade and often wears the scars to prove it. Here the focus is on personal power. Self-reliance, courage, and resilience are rewarded here and the spoils go to the winner. Given that it’s your Mars MC line in particular, that may very well be you because Mars is not often content to sit on the sideline when glory beckons
Navigating this markedly masculine space you make take on a default steadfast, stoic nature. The environment is not only acting on you, you are pushing back against it too
The challenge on the Mars descendant line is to remember that others are holding a mirror up to you and conflict becomes a great tool to decide whether you like what is reflected. That doesn’t mean it’s time to shy away from conflict. Mars is, after all, the God of War. On the descendant line, you can expect conflict as the warrior God presents himself in others. He gives you the chance to hold your ground and strike a balance between throwing in the towel and losing your cool altogether. This is a great opportunity to build up personal resolve and the skills needed for conflict resolution.
Mars on the Imum Coeli line ignites the issues with your foundations and challenges you to redefine your stance regarding your origins. Here Mars is not willing to let offense slide on the account of keeping the family together. In fact, in these locations, it will show you exactly why those issues need addressing. It’s up to you to decide whether to take on the challenge that comes with the forest fire that is familial strife and generational curse breaking. You’ll find that while conflict is painful, sometimes on the other side is a renewed sense of self, a repaired system, or perhaps the removal of a cancer. What doesn’t kill you, makes you and the next generation stronger.
*These statements are general descriptions that can apply to most people, but not all. If you’d like to know how your Mars line affects you personally, book a reading here.