Your Astro Muse: Creativity Reading

$199.00  /  0.00189 Ƀ


Astrology for artists, or anyone who wants to open their creative side. In this 60-minute session, we will touch on some key elements of “The Kosmic Tonic” in addition to exploring the creative potential of your birth chart. What is your artistic style or flavour? Who is your planetary muse? In this reading, we will learn:

  • How the planets show up for you creatively (ex. What Mercury says about your writing style, or how Venus informs your aesthetic tastes)
  • Any creative focuses or preoccupations: as an artist, what stories do you feel compelled to explore?
  • Your planetary muses: how to find inspiration in your chart
  • Your current projects, be they poems, short stories, novels, memoirs, screenplays, albums, films, dance choreographies, etc.
    Any blocks you may be experiencing and how to move through them.